1. Web site user Guide
1.1. The website contains the updated marketing and advertising materials database of Totachi Industrial Co, Ltd.
1.2. This website user guide (the “Guide”) represents the agreement between totachizuno.com web site (“Site”, “Administration”) and web site user (the “User”).
When visiting the Site the User accepts this Guide. The Guide applies to all users, both visitors and registered users, having the right to download the Web Site contents (“Materials”).
The Administration reserves the right to change Guide without any prior notification. Upon upload to totachizuno.com, the User Guide is considered valid and correct.
1.3. The contents and information on the Site can be altered without prior notification.
1.4. Use of the website constitutes the User’s acceptance of the following provisions and conditions.
2. Registration
2.1. After completion of registration the User receives login and password to access personal account on the Site.
2.2. The User is responsible to protect login and password details, and accepts responsibility of all activities conducted under sessions logged in with “Users” details. If the User does not want to save login and password in computer memory, the User must press “Exit” button before closing the Site. Totachi Industrial Co, Ltd. takes no responsibility for any loss of data, caused by infringement of this provision.
2.3. By registering the User agrees to use the Site, and conduct their usage with respect to other Site users.
2.4. It is restricted to create more than one account by a singular User of the Site.
2.5. When using the Site, the User may be asked to provide his/her personal information (such as name, address, phone number, e-mail address etc.). The mentioned information is typically not disclosed to any third party without the User’s consent, except cases, provided by the legislation of the country of the User’s residence.
3. Intellectual property provisions
3.1. All objects on the Site, including video, audio, sound clips, images, texts, design components and other objects and their packs (the “Contents”), are the objects of exclusive rights of Totachi Industrial Co, Ltd. All rights for the objects are reserved.
3.2. Except for the cases, established by the present Guide, as well as current legislation of User’s country of residence and\or User’s registration, no Content may be copied (reproduced), modified, distributed, published, downloaded, transferred, sold or used by any other means fully or in parts without prior permission, granted by the rights proprietor, except cases, when such proprietor evidently expressed his permission to use the Materials by the User.
3.3. Permission to use the Materials posted on the Site, is the confirmation of registration by the Administration.
3.4. The Administration has the right to deny registration of the User without giving any reasons.
3.5. All materials on the Site may be used only in favor of Totaсhi Industrial Co. Ltd., to promote and advertise brands and trademarks, owned by Totaсhi Industrial Co, Ltd.
3.6. Any other use of the Site’s Materials is considered to be illegal and is subject to legal prosecution in accordance with legislation of User’s country of residence and/or registration.
3.7. The use of the Materials by the User is allowed on condition that all legal copies (copyrights, trademarks etc.) and the Site’s Materials stay unaltered.
3.8. Publishing of any Materials from the Site is allowed only with clearly stated permission of the Administration.
3.9. The User is prohibited to download and publish at the Site any content, taken from other web sites, databases and other results of intellectual activity without prior clearly stated permission of the rights proprietor for such activities.
3.10. Nothing in this Guide can be deemed as transfer of rights for the Materials.
4. Responsibility for exclusive rights infringement.
4.1. The User bears personal responsibility in accordance with the legislation of his/her country of residence (or registration) for any use of the Materials, other than indicated in Section 2.3.
4.2. The User shall not download, transfer or publish the Contents, posted on the Site, if he/she has no respective rights to implement such activities.
4.3. The Administration has the right to delete or relocate (without warning) any Contents or users accounts at its own discretion and for any reason.
4.4. The Administration has the right to view the Site for the presence of any prohibited Contents and to delete any contents, which at Administration’s own discretion, is considered to violate the present Guide and generally recognized principles and rules of public law.
5. Administration Feedback
5.1. The User can send questions on the Site operation, using the e-mail address: marketing@totachi.co.jp
5.2. All messages are summarized and transferred to the Site’s technical support department and project managers.
6. Technical information
6.1. The User enters and uses the Site totachitoten.ru on his/her sole responsibility.
Totachi Industrial Co, Ltd. Takes no responsibility for any damage(s) or loss(es) of property, caused to the User or to any third party in connection with the access or use of this Site.
6.2. To view the Site it is recommended to use the following software: Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 8.0 or higher, Mozilla FireFox Version 12.6 or higher, Opera Version 12.10 or higher, Google Chrome 10.0 or higher, Apple Safari 5.0 or higher.
6.3. When using tablet computers some functional limits may be present.